
The System

Man the living creature,
The creating individual,
Is always more important than
any established style or system.

―Bruce Lee

Deep Emotional Work (DEW)

A cutting-edge system for reshaping the emotional structure, developed by Matthias Behrends.
Adaptations of evidence-based techniques and different psychological concepts are uniquely combined into one streamlined system for maximum efficiency:
We do not use, advocate or endorse esoteric concepts or esotericism.

DEW ...

  • ... efficiently reduces the adverse effects of distress and prevents more from occurring;
  • ... can produce rapid recovery from psychological trauma and burnout when applied by a licensed therapist;
  • ... produces consistent results by integrating evidence-based techniques into one streamlined process;
  • ... aims at producing results in the shortest possible time;
  • ... is the platform of choice for mission-critical work with high-value assets.

Deep Emotional Self-Care

Deep Emotional Work Academy

Matthias Behrends

World-class trainer and thought leader in techniques to improve emotional wellbeing.
Award-winning social entrepreneur.
  • Specialist in Recovery from Traumatic Experiences and Emotional Distress
  • SAP Social Impact Startup Pitch Winner (2014)
  • Creator of “Deep Emotional Work”, “Deep Emotional Self-Care”, and “Deep Emotional Work Academy
  • Founder and author of a continuing medical education academy with more than 15,000 physicians who have benefited from it.

Seminars, Talks, Events

This list does not include activities subject to confidentiality.

In the Press

One who has a lot to say, but knows when to listen.
"Einer, der viel zu sagen hat, aber trotzdem nicht verlernt hat, zuzuhören."

—As featured in DIE ZEIT Studienführer

You can't just dig up the trauma and say, "There it is." You have to look for stabilizing relationships and memories at the same time and reinforce them with specific techniques.
"Man kann das Trauma nicht einfach ausgraben und sagen: So, da ist es. Man muss gleichzeitig nach kraftgebenden Beziehungen und Erinnerungen suchen, und diese mit speziellen Methoden verstärken."

—Ofenloch, Rüdiger (2014): Hilfe für die Seele.

Featured In:

Lohs, Cornelia (2016): Heidelberg, Porträt einer Stadt. Meßkirch: Gmeiner Verlag (Stadtporträts im GMEINER-Verlag).


Amazing that it is so simple.
So human.

—A psychoanalyst during a training
in Munich, Germany (2017)

A documentary filmmaker:

“[...] we were filming an emotional documentary about human trafficking in South Asia. The film had a direct impact on several of the filmmakers and we noticed their mood change and requested [Matthias Behrends] to work with each filmmaker. Weeks after the sessions my coworkers were still practicing different techniques [...] recommended and it helped them a lot. I would defiantly recommend [...].”—Casey Allred
Due to the sensitive nature of our work, we do not ask individuals to provide public references.


It's not what we believe that matters. It's what we see that works that matters.

—Tony Blauer

It does not have to be beautiful, just effective. But we don't mind if it's also incredibly beautiful.

—Matthias Behrends

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Now that you have seen what is possible, how can you do otherwise?

—Matthias Behrends


... to Dr. med. Charlotte Baltrusch

I, Matthias Behrends, would like to pay tribute to Dr. med. Charlotte Baltrusch, my teacher, mentor and co-founder of the nonprofit "Healing Souls International" (2015⁠–2022).
It is through her extreme generosity that I have been privileged to tap into her decades of experience to learn techniques for emotional stabilization, processing, and Family/Systemic Constellations. I applaud her for always striving for excellence in the delivery of her technique and for her courage to never settle for "good enough".
It was through observing her work that I discovered that a noticeable change in someone's emotional structure was possible in just one session. This was a pivotal experience because it overturned the paradigm that change takes a long time or forever. It was through witnessing her work and teaching that the idea of "Surgery for the Soul" was born, for although she may never have used those words, in my eyes that is what she was doing.
To anyone who understands German, I recommend her book, which contains a summary of her approach to trauma therapy.

The Nonprofit

Emotion Coaching gUG

A German non-profit company, founded and directed by Matthias Behrends, dedicated to helping professionals deal with emotional distress and psychological trauma.
The company works toward this goal through a variety of projects and primarily through the training of professional caregivers, psychotherapists, and non-therapeutic personnel such as teachers, humanitarians, and journalists.

Our Principles

Our actions are guided by the principles of independence and impartiality.
Our actions are primarily educational. We advocate ethical behavior and the duty to provide care without causing harm to individuals or groups. We respect individual autonomy, confidentiality, and the right to informed consent. We treat those we serve with dignity and respect for their cultural and religious beliefs. In accordance with these principles, we strive to provide quality educational services.

Excerpt from the Statutes

Not changed since the original version of 24.09.2015.
English Translation
German Original
"The purpose of the company is the promotion of education, public education and vocational training ..."
"Zweck der Gesellschaft ist die Förderung der Erziehung, Volks- und Berufsbildung ..."
"The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through the implementation of training courses for humanitarian personnel, volunteers, psychotherapists, doctors, educators, social workers and other helping professional groups ..."
"Der Satzungszweck wird verwirklicht insbesondere durch die Durchführung von Schulungen für humanitäres Personal, Ehrenamtliche, Psychotherapeuten, Ärzte, Pädagogen, Sozialarbeiter und weitere, helfende Berufsgruppen ..."


As a small organization, our decision to provide assistance in any country or crisis is based on established networks of collaborators and the cost-effectiveness of interventions, rather than on a global assessment of people's needs.

Impartiality and Neutrality

We provide aid based on need, regardless of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. Our decisions are not based on political, economic or religious interests. We do not take sides or intervene at the behest of governments or warring parties.

Bearing witness

The principles of impartiality and neutrality do not mean silence. When EC witnesses extreme acts of violence against individuals or groups, the organization may speak out publicly. We may seek to draw attention to extreme need and unacceptable suffering when access to life-saving care is obstructed, when medical facilities are threatened, when crises are neglected, or when aid is inadequate or misused.


We are committed to regularly evaluating the impact of our work. We accept the responsibility to be accountable to our students and donors.


Matthias Behrends is the sole founder and the managing director.


The entity is privately funded.
In accordance with German tax law, the organization can receive donations and issue donation receipts.

Activity Reports

Reports are currently only available in German and as submitted to the tax authorities.
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